Creative Play Toys

A new type of play toy

Creative Play toys were designed to enhance the interaction between dogs and pet parents alike. Since dogs require a lot of daily mental stimulation, Creative Play was developed to encourage pet parents to play with their dogs more often, strengthening the bond between two best friends. Despite Creative Play toy’s wacky appearance, we have found that these shapes really help make playtime fun!

While ideating, a lot of inspiration came from prior research along the pet and human marketplaces. Mostly objects that had a presence, were sculptural, and nice to look at. While doing this, we also kept in mind how a dog might interact with it. How they would play with it, grab it, chew it, toss it. More importantly, how we could keep them from getting too easily destroyed. We also considered different playing patterns as well as how these playing patterns affect developmental learning.

After several rounds of focus groups, we landed on these designs. They have a wide variety of playing patterns to fill the needs of pets and pet parents.







The packaging was intentionally designed to hold a partial silhouette and have each design suspended in order to let the buyer see and handle the toy in its entirety.

Have fun with your furry friend!


Novelty Toys


Sustainable Packaging for Wishbone