
Who will you conquer?

This strategy based board game takes inspiration from Chinese Checkers and Dungeons and Dragons. Get immersed in the gameplay by trying to overthrow your enemy’s kingdom and becoming the new ruler of their castle! Conquer the power of elemental dragons to aid you in your journey of becoming ruler. Make sure that your soldiers can weather storms and maybe you’ll get far.

Using architectural landscape models as a form of inspiration for the way the board would be shaped felt like a natural approach since the idea of the game was to go on a journey. That journey could be better felt while traversing land. Or at least what mimicked a landscape!

Mocking Process

Creating the whole game to be fair and fun was a challenge. Deciding what aspects needed to be removed and what deserved to stay shaped how the final mock turned out. The goal was to make it easy to understand and fair for everyone playing. This meant making the board equally spaced on every side instead of keeping the original landscape idea.

Final Steps

This is when the whole board game started to take its final form.

Time to play Conquerum!



